William Li: Can we eat to starve cancer? | Video on TED.comAn excellent insight into the therapy of anti- angiogenesis as a tool to fight cancer!!
Friends, Cancer has always been a devastating disease because of its late detection, so Dr. William Lee has come up with the idea to prevent cancer in its early stages itself!!
For those who are ignorant of the term---
Angiogenesis: Its the growth of blood vessels stimulated by the cancer cells through the activation of angiogenic factors. As a result the small tumour recieves the nutrition, oxygen and a medium to grow into a full fledged tumour!!
Anti- Angiogenesis has come up as a very effective treatment for various cancers wherein the blood vessel growth is inhibited by blocking the growth factors. This treatment has received a boost with the success of
Avastin ( a US FDA approved drug) in various cancers like breast cancer, head and neck, uterine, ovarian, squamous cell carcinoma, etc..
Here, Dr. Lee comes up with this agenda :
Eating cancer-fighting foods that cut off the supply lines and beat cancer at its own game.
Dr. Lee and his team found out that mother nature has laced a large number of food and beverages with naturally occuring inhibitors of Angiogenesis. Some of them are:-
Red grapes - Resveratrol
strawberries - Ellagic Acid
soya bean - Genistein, and many more...
Well, friends all this is not just theory....there are some strong evidences pertaining this an one of them was a study done on 79,000 men over a period of 20 years...the reults are here..
Men who consume 2-3 servings of cooked tomatoes per week have a reduced risk for developing Prostrate cancer by 40- 50%.
- Dr. Lorelie Mucci
Harvard School of Public Health
A really fascinating Approach to prevent cancer, just eat the right food and you can prevent cancer!!
The Question "Can We eat to starve cancer?" is rightly addressed in this video..worth watching!!