April 11, 2010

Tattle tale pill : An Ultimate Discovery

Friends, no need to worry now, if you have  near and dear ones who are ill and who forget to take their medicines....the solution is here....

The subsisting Hitch:
It is interesting to find out 10% of patients fail to take the medicine as prescribed and the patients prescribed on more than five medications fail to take the accurate doses resulting in 218,000 deaths annually  when the patient doesn't take/ skip their medication.

How to tackle the problem:
How to confirm that patient has swallowed the medicine? Is there any ray of tool to confirm???
And the answer is Yes!!!
Yes!!! now a patient can't escape from taking the medicine.

But how???
Adventing technologies has grabbed the attention of scientists by developing a magic pill simply called " The Tattletale pill".

What is this Tattletale Pill and how does it work???

This innovative pill comprises of ---
a white capsule with a silvery line coatings which consist of ink printed non-toxic, conductive silver nanoparticles made antenna and a microchip.

Here's how it works:  
  1. The patient swallows a pill that contains both medicine and an ultra-tiny sensor chip.
  2. This sensor is made of food and vitamin materials, in very small, safe quantities. These materials get activated by the patient's stomach acid, essentially making the human body a battery.

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